Thursday, September 20, 2007

I'm Officially a Soccer Mom

Check out the new space wagon.

We had to go suburban casual since we now have three kids (any day until Rayne is born) and my little pick-up could only fit one.

Notice the mis-matched hubcaps!

So now, I have to drive the Xterra (or get to drive, even though it's not my truck) and Shannon gets to cruise through the city in the big white torpedo.

It was sad getting rid of the truck. Ashe gave it a kiss and a hug goodbye. At least it's a comfortable ride and it's a Ford, which gets me brownie points with the in-laws, since Shan's dad works at Ford.


Anonymous said...

I drove a big scary ole' beat-up van in Mexico we nick-named 'the white wale'. We could start a nick-name contest?

clayburkle said...

Congrats... When is Rayne due? Sounds like a girl... or maybe a boy? Our #3... Arley is due Nov. 12.

Pastor Kurt said...

Rayne Evangeline will be our first daughter. She was due last Thursday.