Thursday, December 11, 2008

Winter Preaching Series: Relationships and Sex

Given the wide and various assumptions and prohibitions many of us have experienced in the church when it comes to relationships and sexuality, we thought it pertinent to explore and unpack what God actually tells us.

This winter, we will begin a series entitled, "Relationships and Sex." As we have been prepping the teaching for this series, we wanted to make you aware that we'd like to answer questions that you might have, so we'll be saving two weeks to strictly answer questions that a) are already on your minds and b) come up during the study.

You may already have a plethora of questions and can begin asking immediately.

The series will include the following topics:

You can post questions to this blog (questions will not be answered on the blog) or fill them out anonymously on a connect card during a gathering.


Anonymous said...

I guess I'll be the first to post.

What do you think of moving in with your girlfriend if it makes things easier with bills and you are not having sex?

Anonymous said...

It seems like talk about modesty is often missing when discussion relationships and sex. How do we practice what the Bible says about modesty?

Anonymous said...

How are you supposed to live as a single Christian when it seems that God has created us to be married & also deal with all the hormones & stuff like that?

Anonymous said...

how much counseling should couples have: pre-marrage and mid-marrage? who should do the counseling?(marrage counselor, pastor, friends, parents, etc).
and how often? (once, every year, every 10 years, never...)

Anonymous said...

How can we approach homosexuals with the gospel? Specifically, homosexuals who do seek to know God (i.e. have found a church that teaches that it is alright)

Anonymous said...

We have several homosexual friends that are far nicer and happier than most Christians. What do you do with that? Really great people, as far as people go.

Ryan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

do christians have to have children? what if you feel called not to have any?

Anonymous said...

Is it ok to have fights with your spouse? I don't like to fight, but it seems like we do it often. How can this be avoided?

Anonymous said...

It seems as if married folks have so much more concern for the world. Is it best "not to marry" according to what Paul said?

Anonymous said...

How do we know when is God is calling a couple to have children...especially in a world where so many people are on birth control and can "control" when they want to start trying to have kids. Can you be married and start having babies before it's God's will??

Anonymous said...

Does God determine "the one" we should marry, or is it up to us?

Anonymous said...

Is dating an unbeliever wrong?

Anonymous said...

What is the best way to encourage your spouse to be a more biblical man/woman? I would love my husband to feel more responsibility to be the leader, be the provider, etc. but I don't want to push him or make him angry/discouraged by asking... or nagging...

Julie Coyle said...

What are your thoughts on this movement:

Anonymous said...

Concerning women and submission - would you say that women are submitting to male leadership in just spiritual areas (and in the home to their husband) or in political, military, workplace areas as well? Can a woman be president? Be boss?

Anonymous said...

I Timothy 2:15 - Women are saved through child bearing? Is this just a reference to the fact that a woman bore Christ and that's how we all are saved? Why doesn't it say that all are saved through child bearing?

Anonymous said...

If it is biblical to have kids, yet your husband doesn't provide in a way where it's financially realistic for the wife to stop working (I'm not talking wants... I'm saying needs, ie. non-condemned roof over your head, food, one shared vehicle etc.) is it still responsible biblically to have kids?

Anonymous said...

the more I see/hear what a biblical husband should be the more frustrated and less attracted I feel to my husband. I know this isn't a proper response... and I know I fail at being the biblical picture perfect wife as well... what is the best way to deal with this? And is there a healthy way that I could encourage him to be a more biblical husband without discouraging him?

Anonymous said...

If i could speak to the most recent comment...

First, Communication. i know it sounds cliche, but it works. it starts with the small stuff. I have found that if you feel comfortable talking about your day, and what you are thinking about, and what you like to do for fun, and those kinds of things... it opens you up to feel the freedom to discuss deeper things.

if you look at the bible, Debora stepped up and filled a roll and met the needs of the people for a certain time. (kurt talked about this a few weeks ago) if your husband isn't taking the iniciative, take it yourself for a while. let him know that you are interested in talking about what God is teaching you, and that you care to know what God is teaching him. If nothing else, it will prick his concience just knowing that you are taking the inicitave.

if he's not going to take the first step, you take it, and wait for him to take the 2nd. if he doesn't, tell him that you want him to take it and ask him how you can make it easier for him to take it.

he wants to be the leader... it's in his blood. under the right circumstances, and with the right kind of help... lots of prayer and a kick in the pants from God, anything is possible.