Monday, April 23, 2007

Missio Dei Event

Missio Dei Church is hosting a public informational meeting to articulate reasons for starting a new church in the Asheville metro area. The meeting will take place on Wednesday May 9, 7pm at Atlanta Bread Company (633 Merrimon Ave.). We discuss topics including, "Why start a new church in Asheville? Whom will the new church affect? Who is the leadership for the new church? How can you help?" Coffee and refreshments provided.


Anonymous said...

Hi, the name's Ryan. I met with Bryan From Crux about this the other day at the Brew & View and put up some flyers around town. I'm exited to see what God is doing and about to do with this. I'll be praying for and about this meeting on the 9th. I know others who've been told about it have too. God Bless.

"the gosple is the power of God."

clayburkle said...

Is there free bread & coffee? Because I really like free stuff. Just stoppin' by to share a little old school tri-county love. -cheers